Sherman Oaks Dental

Dr. Bryan Weyneth

1100 N. Sherman Ave., Suite 103
Naperville, IL 60563

Help Save a Life! Help Save a Marriage!

History of a T-Shirt?

We truly believe that by wearing this t-shirt

you can save a life or marriage….


Recently one of our staff wore this shirt while mowing her lawn. That same day, a person stopped his car, got out and asked about it.  It turns out he’s been trying to wear a CPAP (the air pressure device with hoses) for quite some time, but has not been able to tolerate it!  He’s miserable and sleepy all the time even when driving…, and his wife is beside herself because of his snoring! Cathy, one of our sleep team, started educating him on what a great option oral applaince therapy is for apnea sufferers. We hope the rest is history and that he and his wife are sleeping once again!….. And my staff member feels great that she has affected their lives in such a way by wearing a shirt!

If you know of anyone else in your office that would like to possibly make a difference in someone else’s life, let us know…we give out a limited number of t-shirts per month and we’ll add them to our list.

Dr. Lydia Sosenko

Dental Sleep and TMD Center of Illinois

1-800-SNORING (in northern Illinois)

What are we about?

  • We provide conservative treatment for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea patients.
  • We provide an alternative treatment to CPAP therapy (compressor with hoses).
  • Our therapy consists of a custom-fitted oral device similar to night guard for grinding of teeth.
  • We work together with many physicians in the area and certified sleep centers.
Posted in Sleep Apnea

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